Best Rated Low
Temperature Dehumidifiers
Read about the best rated low temperature dehumidifiers for basement
and home. At low temperatures, basement dehumidifiers will stop
these solve
that problem.
The best low temp dehumidifiers will operate well generally down to the
low forties. Dehumidifiers shouldn't be operated in freezing
temperatures. So if it might freeze, it's best to shut it off or add a
heater to that area.
Excess humidity will cause mold and bacteria to grow. So, it's very
important to keep a healthy level of humidity in your
home or basement, even when the temperatures are low.
The Comfort Aire dehumidifiers are rated among the best for low
temperatures. These operate down to 42 degrees. Their larger units are energy star rated
for efficiency, which is a bonus. It is also well rated for removing
moisture from the air quickly.
Another one of the best low temp dehumidifiers is the Home Comforts 50 Pint
dehumidifier. This one will work well down to 36 degrees, which is
great. Consumers give it good reviews for it's quiet operation and efficiency. It is
also energy star rated. It works in areas up to 1,000 square feet.
The Home Comforts dehumidifier has a built in pump. This is a great
thing to look for when dehumidifier shopping. If it will be used in the
basement and can be near a drain, the automatic pump will empty the
dehumidifier when it's full, so there is no need to check on it or to
empty it manually.
Finally, Danby has large size dehumidifiers that work well in low
temperatures, down to 41 degrees. It will dehumidify up to 1000 sq. ft.
One of the best aspects of this dehumidifier, is that it's very quiet.
Reviewed as one of the quietest low temperature dehumidifiers I found.
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