Fe Dehumidifier
Fe Dehumidifier reviews and info on this top rated, energy
efficient brand of basement, stand alone, whole house and
Since these units are at the top end of the price scale, there are not
tons of reviews for them, but of the reviews, generally most are very
high to excellent.
They seem to be worth the money
if you are after
what these dehumidifiers offer for your basement, crawl space, whole
house and furnace dehumidification needs. Mold is very bad for your
health and these will help in large spaces with high humidity.
Santa Fe dehumidifiers get great reviews by experts and consumers alike, but this
quality comes at a cost. They are very energy efficient which is great
to help the environment and save you money in the long term.
The base Santa Fe dehumidifier model is a crawl space compact unit.
It is great for tight spaces because it is long and short. This
dehumidifier will generally go for over $1000, but when you need one in
a small space, it can be a saving grace to prevent mold and mildew, up
to 1,600 sq ft, and will operate at low temperatures unlike others.
If you have a small, tight space, or a basement and need a larger area
dehumidified, then check out the Santa
Fe Advance dehumidifier. It will work on an area up to
2,200 sq. ft., at 90 pints per day, and operate down to 55 degrees.
Next is the Santa Fe
Classic dehumidifier.
This is a stand alone unit and does not need to be used in conjunction
with a furnace. It can, though, be integrated into ductwork for helping
multiple rooms if desired. It will dehumidify up to 100 pints per day
and 2500 sq. ft. Because of the energy efficiency, it will only use as
much energy as a normal size unit.
The Santa Fe Max Dry
Dual XT
dehumidifier is a workhorse. It will remove up to 300 pints per day at
total saturation and 150 under normal situations. It is rated for up to
3,600 sq. ft. Also, it is low temp rated and will work down to 45
degrees, which is great for that damp, cold space.
All of the above dehumidifiers can be used in conjunction with a
furnace and will dehumidify multiple rooms or your whole house,
depending on your ductwork.
Finally, the Santa Fe RX
offers an attractive design for use in living areas. You'll pay a
little more for the styling and quieter operation, but might be worth
it if you don't want a big metal block in your home. A great feature is
the optional addition of a HEPA filter for air purification and a
carbon filter for odor control. While the unit is operating it then
will purify the air, reduce odors and dehumidify, perfect for newly
finished basements.