Mercola Air Purifier Review

by Kate


I'm wondering if you have a Mercola air purifier review? The day after I ordered the Alen 350 (for the bedroom) and Austin HealthMate Plus (for the rest of the house) I got this email from Dr. Mercola's mailing list. I like his info, even though I'm often put off by his marketing barrage.

Do you have an opinion on his Mercola air purifier, and do you think it would be a good replacement for either of the air purifiers I ordered?

I just rec'd the Alen and had the first night with it running last night, and couldn't tell a difference, but I have high hopes for it. I had it on medium setting with no ionization (bc I opened it just before bedtime and didn't have time to read the manual). I'll post on your site when I've them both up and running for a few weeks.

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Jul 23, 2011
Mercola Air Purifier Review
by: Lisa- site expert

Hi Kate,
I checked out the Mercola air purifier and noticed it does produce ozone in the process. Overall it seems like a decent machine, but I personally just like to stay away from ozone as some people report headaches and lung irritation from it. He states it is naturally occurring, which is true, but it also says to me that the system might be on the cheap side since it takes more technology and research to have a non-ozone producing machine.

Since air purifiers aren't his company, I'd stay with those from companies who know all about them (like you have). Also, I have noticed that many people take 2-4 weeks to notice a big difference from purifiers, so I hope it helps in the next few weeks.

Do let me know what you think of each of the alen A350 and the Austin healthmate plus air purifiers on the site, I'm always curious to get user reviews.

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